Sunday, November 11, 2007

swimming the bay of all saints

"Religious city, colonial city, Negro city of Bahia. Sumptuous churches bedecked with gold, wealthy houses decorated with azulejos, hovels, poverty-stricken slums, ladeiras, historic monuments, old fortresses..."
Jorge Amado

six hours sunning on the deck of a branco boat
submerged in the bay of all saints till my fears no longer float
drowning in salt, i swallow my fate and swim to shore,
hollowing out my insides to fill with appropriated lore
i've waited for so long to walk these sands,
i believe my fate is for these rhythms to fill my hands
this is where soul surfers belong
where glorious music satiates a swinging throng
where roving drum crews hold court out where the water ends
where crowds gather to sing in harmony as their guardians descend

Bahia, a safe harbor for spirits of all stripes
ya hear it in the grooves coloring each sanctified night
ya see it in the white light emerging from the headwraps of the holy
ya feel it amidst the churches decked in 18th century gold leaf
ya know it when your bones start bending & fold free

today i plunged into the ocean and let it hold me
this paradise is everything my lineage told me...

- chefe -

Renato Loes

LB/Sao Paulo

Sergio Rodriguez


Rafa Anton - LB/Madrid

Almoco a Restaurante Amado

Carolinha Aranha - LB/Sao Paulo
Pablo Capara - LB/Buenos Aires
Katy Martinez - LB/Santo Domingo

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