Friday, November 16, 2007

News from home...

It's a bit surreal to be so apart from the rest of the world, seemingly so displaced...

At someone who considers themselves Bengali, it's surreal to see the news today that Cyclone Sidr hit the southeast coast of Bangladesh and left a path of devastation in its wake... i'm here in paradise and the homefront is in ruins... but we all saw it coming...Bangladesh has experienced a slew of traumatizing events like this for the last 40 years, it's arguably one of nations in the world that's most prone to disaster. it's only a matter of time before the alluvial plane that comprises half the territory of Bangladesh is immersed in rising ocean waters... 1/2 the country is below sea level, so an inch will wipe away a chunk of the map... That is the history and future of every delta on the planet, isn't it? depressing, but true nonetheless... I'm reminded of Jimi's line, from the Axis:Bold as Love album... änd so castles made of sand, slip into the sea, eventually..."

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